Cowlculator - it's simply bovine
Glossary - Symbols

One or more symbols are used to express mathematical formulae.  A partial list of symbols (currently being developed) is as follows:

Symbols Meanings
+ positive, addition
- negative, subtraction
× mutliplication
÷ division
* asterisk, multiplcation (computers)
/ slash, forward slash, division (computers)
fractional slash
± plus and minus (value can be of either sign)
° degree, angle
identical to
= equal sign
< less than
<= =< less than or equal to
> greater than
>= => greater than or equal to
approximately equal to
% per cent (n out of 100 parts)
per mille (n out of 1,000 parts)
per myriad (n out of 10,000 parts), per diem, basis point
¤ Currency (but not a specific currency)
# octothorpe, number sign, cross-hatch
( ) opening and closing parenthesis (respectively), brackets
ƒ florin, function
π pi (the constant ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter)
square root, radical sign
horizontal ellipsis
imperial feet, minutes, [single] prime (not an apostrophe)
imperial inches, seconds, double prime (not a quotation mark)

Advanced mathematical operators:

Symbols Meanings
for all
partial differential
proportional to...
nabla, backward difference
n-ary product, product sign, prod (not the same as the Greek capital letter for "pi" despite its similar appearance)
n-ary sumation, sum (not the same as the Greek capital letter for "sigma" despite its similar appearance)
minus sign, subtraction
asterisk operator
right angle
up tack, orthogonal to, perpendicular
logical "and," wedge
logical "or," vee
tilde operator, varies with, similar to (not the same as the "tilde" character despite its similar appearance)
almost equal to, asymptotic to
approximately equal to
identical to
less-than or equal to
greater-than or equal to
not equal to
intersection, cap
union, cup
subset of
superset of
not a subset of
subset of or equal to
superset of or equal to
element of
not an element of
contains as member, ni (as in Monty Python's The Knights of "Ni")
there exists
empty set, null set, diameter
circled plus, direct sum
circled times, vector product
¬ not
dot operator (not the same as the Georgian comma, a.k.a., "middle dot," despite its similar appearance)

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